Luke 14

Luke 14

Pastor Marshall Ochs | April 7, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Luke 14. This message continues the theme of examining our focus. The setting for this chapter is a sabbath dinner. The guests should be focused on God and His faithfulness over the years, but they are more concerned with positions, titles, and receiving honor. This maneuvering for status means the ones who are hurting and broken get overlooked. Christ performs one miracle and teaches three parables that address the “me” centered culture of the 1st century and the world we live in today.




The setting in Luke 14 is a dinner party on the Sabbath. The Shabbat meal was a time to focus on God amidst the distractions of the week. Their time together should be centered on the Guest of Honor—Jesus Christ. However, in Luke 14, we see how easily our focus can shift from God to ourselves and our own desires.

Imagine being at that dinner party, where the atmosphere should have been one of reverence and celebration of God. Instead, the guests' priorities were misplaced. Jesus, all-knowing people's hearts, revealed their true intentions.

It's easy to get caught up in seeking recognition, praise, and position, just as the guests did at the dinner party. But in doing so, we risk missing out on our purpose—loving God and caring for others.

Jesus taught through a miracle and parables, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing God and caring for those in need. He urges us to expand our circles and reach out to the broken, the lost, and the marginalized. Following Jesus requires a radical shift in priorities. It means putting Him above everything else—status, possessions, relationships, and even our lives.

Therefore, may our focus this week and every week be to walk humbly, taking our place at the table of our Lord. Let us carry our crosses daily, counting the cost of discipleship and placing Jesus at the center of everything we do. For in Him alone will we find true fulfillment and eternal blessings.

Reflection Questions:

1. How often do I find my mind focused on the wrong things?

2. In what ways do I prioritize myself or others over God in my daily life?

3. How can I shift my focus back to God when distractions and self-centeredness creep in?

4. Do I overlook the needs of others when I'm too focused on myself and my desires?

5. In what ways can I take up my cross daily and go after Jesus?

Heavenly Father, forgive us for the times we have allowed distractions and selfish desires to take precedence over You. Help us to refocus our hearts and minds on You, the Guest of Honor in our lives. Teach us to love as You love, to prioritize Your kingdom above all else. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.