
Exodus - Week 3

Pastor Marshall Ochs | July 15, 2018

In Exodus 13-18, Israel is free from the bondage of Egypt. God leads them through the wilderness and provides food, water, protection, and direction. However, the people struggle to put their hope in God and continually complain about their situation. As we read Exodus this week, we are reminded how quickly we put our hope in this world rather than Jesus. 



Exodus - Week 2

Pastor Marshall Ochs | July 8, 2018

In Exodus 7-13, Pharaoh refused to free Israel from slavery. God responded by releasing ten plagues on Egypt, and the final plague was known as the Passover. The Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread became yearly celebrations that reminded Israel of God's redemption. As we read Exodus 7-13, we are reminded of how the wrath of God has passed over us because of Jesus, the lamb who was slain.



Exodus - Week 1

Pastor Marshall Ochs | July 1, 2018

In Exodus 1-6, Egypt enslaved the Hebrew people and murdered all newborn baby boys. The Hebrews cried out for deliverance, and God saved a child from the slaughter. The child's name was Moses and God used him to bring freedom to the Hebrews and punishment to Egypt. As we read Exodus 1-6 today, our goal is to see how God used Moses to prepare our hearts for another deliverer named Jesus.

