Quiet Time


In almost every Christian circle there is this phrase used to describe our time spent in prayer or in the word, “quiet time.” It’s an expression used to describe shutting off all distractions and focusing on our savior. It’s getting to know our maker without all of the things that usually cloud our mind. Sounds beautiful right?

Well, what happens when you can’t turn off those distractions? When you have children, silence is a rare and beautiful miracle that you most certainly will NOT experience on a daily basis. And there are plenty of other instances when this “quiet” just won’t happen. But we are in a sermon series all about preaching to yourself and so much of that is dependent on us knowing the word so what do we do?! We stop believing that things have to be quiet for us to spend time reading the bible and getting to know our King.

I recently heard a podcast where they discussed this idea and I realized how much that phrase really stopped me from taking advantage of little moments. I have an 8 month old little boy who always wants to be moving and is currently trying to play with this computer as I type. That can make things difficult but the fact that God doesn’t need perfection is such a beautiful part of the gospel.

While turning off distractions and having uninterrupted time with God is a wonderful and amazing thing, its not the only way to communicate with Him. Life is messy and it’s okay for our “quiet time” to be a reflection of that as well. Even if it’s just 5 minutes here and there of reading the bible on your phone throughout the day, you are still hearing the beautiful truth of God’s word and putting it in your heart.

-Kelsey Turner


Lauren Daigle