

Something fascinating about our Father is that He never changes, yet He is constantly changing us. It’s a beautiful paradox that arises from His perfection being worked out in an imperfect people – that is, of course, you and me.

Just as He works in us as individuals, He also works in the church, constantly calling us to remain flexible and ready for change as He directs. If you gaze from above, with His eyes, it’s a beautiful winding path taking us through lovely terrain at times and up steep mountains at others. Regardless, the landscape is perfectly designed by our Father.

At Red Hills Church, it has been our desire from the beginning that every move, change, ministry, strategy, and the like be prayerfully considered to ensure each step remains on the path He has set before us. This may mean saying “no” to seemingly good ideas, or it may mean saying “yes” to the seemingly unlikely – always remembering it’s God who does not change, yet He is ever-changing us.

As the new year tends to bring a change of season in our personal lives, it also coincides with another exciting change for our church. We are moving to a new, larger location to accommodate where we believe God is taking us.

Beginning Sunday, January 4 at 10am, Red Hills Church will gather at its new location, the Tallahassee Young Actors Theatre.

There are many reasons for this move, but the primary reason is that we need space for our children. God has blessed us with an abundance of beautiful children of all ages. The Red Hills family has been gracious as we have made storage rooms into colorful, kid-friendly environments. But there are only so many children such rooms can accommodate. Our new location provides us with room to expand our children’s ministry, which includes a larger nursery and children’s church. We couldn’t be more excited for this opportunity. God sent all these amazing families with children to be a part of Red Hills Church, and as He promises, He has provided a way to serve them!

Yes, God is faithful, and He is guiding the Red Hills Church family just as He is guiding you. He guides and changes us because He loves us and wants us to be like Him. He wants us to be like Him because there are people who desperately need to see that He is a good Father who loves His children. So much so that He sent His only son, Jesus.


January 4, 2015 | Gathering Time @ 10am | Tallahassee Young Actors Theatre | 609 Glenview Drive