
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2.

In a world as busy as the one in which we live, it is easy for us to lose focus and be pulled from different sides and by different daily demands of survival. A typical day for anyone is downright hectic and most of the time exhausting, now think of a man or a woman who has to work two or more jobs to keep his/her home together. Our eyes are constantly shifting from one direction to another and sometimes even our sleep eludes us because we are convinced we did not get enough done to secure a restful tomorrow. Our hearts are so heavy with desires and hopes to eventually get to a place of peace and quiet. It is a personal daily struggle to find time to focus and we forget to weigh the importance of drawing strength from the One who gave us breath and created us for His glory. 

Surrounded by so much noise, we fail to hear those quiet whispers by God, telling us to find rest and keep our gaze on Him. If we keep looking heavenward, no matter what pulls us and shoves us here on earth, we are sure that His grace is sufficient for us. When Peter saw Jesus walking on water in the book of Mathew (14:25-31) and told Jesus to ask him to come, his eyes were on Jesus. As long as he kept those eyes on Christ, he stayed afloat, but the moment he shifted his gaze from Jesus and looked at the water, he began to sink. Keep your eyes up. Mathew 6:22 states that “the light of the body is the eye: If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Take a minute to try looking up with one eye and on the ground with the other. It is an impossible task because you can only look up or down at a time. So keep those eyes on Jesus, and you will stay afloat everything that is trying to drown you. 

Experience the calmness that washes over the soul of everyone whose gaze is focused on Christ; there is hope, peace, assurance, and abounding grace that flows from Him to you when He is your focus. We are constantly reminded in Psalms 14:1, that “The earth is the LORD'S and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” When we have full understanding of who God is, the reality of His sovereignty governs the affairs of our life and the constant assurance of His presence keeps us going. Look beyond the stress, the unpaid bills, the pain, the disappointment, and uncertainties that are swallowing you up and allow the peace of God to rule your life.

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Mathew 11:28.

Martha Olawale